PANEL DISCUSSION: Strategies to ensure best practices in supplier diversity
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 1:40 PM - 2:25 PM
Darren Shelton, Moran Shipping
Lynn Buckley, Baker Hughes
Robin Hawkins, ExxonMobil
Brenda Udunna, Apache Corporation
Lynn Buckley, Baker Hughes
Robin Hawkins, ExxonMobil
Brenda Udunna, Apache Corporation

• What strategies and best practices are being adopted to increase supplier diversity within your supply chains?
• Can we discuss actionable steps and initiatives that are being implemented to improve supplier diversity, including outreach programs, supplier development, mentorship, and tracking performance metrics?
• What are the challenges and barriers faced by diverse suppliers in accessing opportunities within the supply chain?
• Can we explore how collaboration can be enhanced to foster greater supplier diversity?
• Can we examine the importance of policy frameworks, regulations, and incentives to encourage and prioritize supplier diversity?