PANEL DISCUSSION: How are Supply Chain/Procurement departments tackling Scope 3 requirements?
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 11:50 AM - 12:40 PM
Deanna Zhang Eric Rubenstein Brandee Fernandez Maru Suarez Williams Joe Berti

By taking a proactive approach to supply chain mapping, supplier engagement, and product/process innovation, organizations can effectively address scope 3 requirements. These efforts are leading to more sustainable and resilient supply chains, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced reputation in an increasingly carbon-conscious business landscape. Operators are now actively involved in evaluating suppliers' sustainability credentials, negotiating favourable contracts for renewable energy sources, and driving initiatives to enhance energy efficiency throughout the supply chain.

This panel will discuss:
•    Supply chain mapping and collaboration: Identifying scope 3 emissions sources and engaging suppliers in sustainability initiatives.
•    The role of supplier engagement and performance management
•    Promoting product and process innovation to reduce scope 3 emissions throughout the value chain
•    Sharing RW examples: insights and innovative approaches for achieving sustainable change in logistics