If you are interested in speaking at the event, please contact:
Symon Rubens
+1 (832) 384-4498

Sam Achampong FCIPS
Regional Director Asia, Australasia, Middle East & Africa (AMEA)
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply

Nasser AlHarbi
Procurement and Supply Chain Manager
Saudi Aramco Total Refining and Petrochemical Company (SATORP)

Ahmed Samer Said
Strategic Procurement | Foreign Purchasing Department Head
1618 Muse | Badr Petroleum Company (BAPETCo)

Dr Sreejith Balasubramanian
Head, Centre for Supply Chain Excellence and Chair, Office of Research
Middlesex University Dubai

Hariharan Laxminarayan FCIPS
Head of Professional Development
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS)

Dr. Supriya Kaitheri
Senior Lecturer – Data Analytics & Quantitative Methods
Middlesex University Dubai