Monday, November 8, 2021
8:20 AM
Darren Shelton
8:30 AM
Jim Claunch Dona Burke Joey Forrest Pravin Tampi Maru Suarez Williams
9:10 AM
Leslie Cook
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic revealed existing weaknesses in the global supply chain and accelerated the need to deal with sweeping changes in demand
  • How supply chain companies are reacting to fewer FID’s for oil and gas projects as investment in renewables and low carbon initiatives surge
  • Can the upstream supply chain overcome the challenges of changing priorities under financial strain?
9:40 AM
Peter Dill
  • Clear requirements
  • One voice
  • Solve operational problems first
  • Conflict and missing pieces
  • Who are you really negotiating with?
10:10 AM
10:40 AM
Bob Engel Jennifer Bass Jodie Burr Gwen Schreffler Adrian Bregnard
11:20 AM
Suhail Siddiqui
  • Digitalization and its impact on Procurement strategies
  • Staying relevant in industry 4.0/5.0
  • Learning channels
11:50 AM
Uday Turaga Jason Stanley Dave Gajadhar Amy Henry Faraz Shahid
    • How feasible is a circular economy within energy supply chains –
    • How can companies support the objective of net zero and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
SK Roy


Most supply chains suffer from parochial behaviors, especially if they cut across separate enterprises. Every link in the supply chain works towards maximizing its own individual goals rather than maximizing the overall supply chain value. 

Utilizing Graynomics, a niche business gamification platform focusing on simulating and shaping the most value-eroding human behaviors, attendees will work towards achieving better alignment of organizational culture and values.  Consisting of a typical manufacturing-distribution supply chain starting with a raw material supplier and then Production, Warehouse, Retailer, Consumer, Logistics and the SCM Planning office, the simulation will operate three distinct categories of performance : Financial, Operational and Behavioral and the linkages between them across the supply chain. 

Participants will play grouped together in teams, with scoring of the game focused on Financial, Operational and Behavioral Leadership.

2:10 PM
Jeff Guillory
  • Roadmap to touchless transactions
  • Validating data against contract terms
  • Making data actionable to enhance decision making
2:40 PM
Mark Hood

Our Supply Chain and/or Procurement function is facing many challenges as we serve the business, support suppliers and provide assurances that the finance organizations require of us. The future is cloudy and exciting, and change is already evident in areas like digitalization, AI and Machine Learning. However, there are fundamental challenges that have not changed and need to be addressed – and Finance, Operations and Procurement must work together to provide clear value to the organizations we serve.

Mark will look at these challenges from the perspective of his 40 years in supply chain executive roles as well as his 8 years of supply chain strategy consulting. What is the landscape and what are the challenges that must be addressed to deliver sustainable value? All solutions are around People, Process, Technology and Value.

3:10 PM
3:40 PM
Simon Seaton

Suppliers who excel in providing client value drive stronger performance and better outcomes for supply chain and procurement teams.  High levels of service, quality or safety are key drivers of value for clients but may sometimes be under-emphasized when evaluating suppliers or less critical drivers of value over-emphasized.  Now, advances in data science make it possible for suppliers to focus on the most important outcomes and value for clients.  Learn about Sodexo’s journey developing a data-driven business strategy that improve our performance, differentiates us and most importantly, creates customer value.

4:10 PM
Lauren Byars
4:40 PM
Greg McGavin Chris Monk
  • Positioning the supply chain as a key driver of business agility, resilience, growth and performance.
  • Supply Chain Agility & Resiliency / Preparing for everyday life AND Black Swan Events
  • Control towers, dashboards, vendor management, 3PRM, category/market intelligence
  • Real time visibility and monitoring - Digital twins
  • Rethinking manufacturing and supply chain network design (reshoring, near shoring, etc)
  • ESG
      • Carbon Footprint
      • Electric frac fleets
      • Frac sand/chemical self-sourcing
      • Saltwater disposal alternatives
    • Digital Manufacturing
5:20 PM
5:25 PM - 6:25 PM

Drinks and hors d'oeuvres compliments of Energy Conference Network.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
8:50 AM
9:00 AM
Ed Brzytwa

Positioned early in the supply chain, the U.S. business of chemistry is recognized as a valuable solutions provider, supplying versatile, high-performing products that touch 96 percent of all manufactured goods. Demand for chemistry is poised to grow substantially in the coming decades given its essential contributions to products that improve energy efficiency, enhance sustainability, protect the public during pandemics, and mitigate climate change.


In this talk, American Chemistry Council (ACC) Director of International Trade, Ed Brzytwa, will detail:

  • How the chemical industry is pivotal to all of the supply chains and industrial bases listed as Administration priorities in President Biden’s Supply Chain Executive Order;
  • Which policies can negatively impact the business of chemistry and both upstream and downstream actors in the supply chain?.
  • Which policies can maximize industry’s competitiveness, including: making investments in supply chain-related infrastructure; formulating a predictable, rules-based trade policy; reforming permitting processes; ensuring access to energy and intermediate inputs; strengthening worker skills; maintaining a predictable regulatory system; and providing incentives for companies to create innovative products and build new plants in the United States?    
9:30 AM
Scott Theriot

This presentation will provide an overview of i2ms, an integrated materials and warehousing solution that include inventory management, warehouse automation, warehouse management and logistics support.

9:50 AM
Rebecca Hofmann
10:10 AM
10:40 AM
Mark Waddleton

During this session participants will better understand about select emergent technologies, how those technologies should be leveraged, what is a true end-to-end transparent and trust ecosystem, pitfalls one should be aware of and a use case.

11:20 AM
Philippe Flichy Ben Ogidan Mark Waddleton Remasankar Sivasankaran Nair
11:50 AM
Jeffrey Fischer Joshua Flowers
12:30 PM
1:20 PM
Cameron Gauntner Matt Williams
  • Trade, origin, and duty considerations for a global supply chain strategy
  • Case studies within the energy industry
1:50 PM
Kartapurkh S Khalsa
  • Forced Labor – the next Compliance frontier
  • Customs Update – China to join the CPTPP?
  • Export Controls – new EU Dual Use regulations
2:20 PM
Telyn Joseph
  • Knowing where to focus on supplier collaboration is key as implications on stretching your resources thin will diminish the value of collaboration.
  • Developing an effective collaboration model is critical to drive supplier collaboration with an underlying basis of transparency and trust.
  • Collaboration is a joint effort and shouldn’t be overtly focused on a single effort that favors one side and instead bring a balanced view of the necessary objectives to drive success
2:50 PM
3:20 PM
Ganesh Subbaraman
  • Sourcing of Oilfield Equipment: how it has been impacted in the last 2 years. Price wise and delivery (timeline) wise. For both categories: sourcing locally within the US and / or bringing products from overseas.
  • Price increases on material and logistics: how are we able to survive and are we able to pass on the price increase to our customers in this competitive environment. What are we seeing in this volatile industry?
  • Logistics: Container availability, pricing and timelines and how it has impacted the oilfield industry as the East connects with the West.
  • Is local manufacturing viable with challenges in the international market.
  • How is Gryphon handling these changes and what are we anticipating in the next 6 months
3:50 PM
Dan McDonald Akash Sharma
  • Key trends and Best Practices in Energy Supply Chain Management
  • Data-driven Insights from post-2020 Energy Supply Chains
4:20 PM
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